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Stormsure PackTach Hook


Versatile, non-damaging fabric attachment with carabiner and plastic buckle

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Product Description

The PackTach is a versatile attachment featuring a carabiner hook and plastic buckle, allowing you to create attachment points on fabric without damage.

Its applications include creating a loop on a backpack for a bottle, or an attachment point on a tarp.

The plastic buckle is positioned inside the fabric, and the carabiner is inserted through the buckle holes.

Tech Specs

  • Load capacity: 18 kg (depending on the strength of the fabric)
  • Size: 40 x 20 x 20 mm
  • Carabiner size: 6.35 cm



Stormsure is a British company specializing in the production of repair adhesives and patching materials. It was founded by Robert Altham in 1998, driven by his disappointment with the available options in the market.

In 1998, Stormsure transitioned from plastic packaging to cardboard packaging. Previously, the company had manufactured all of its adhesives in aluminum tubes outside the United Kingdom, primarily in China. Presently, Stormsure operates alongside its sister company, Tubeworx, under the same roof, enabling the entire product manufacturing process to take place in one facility.