Home page SKS Light Hiker’s Guide
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SKS Light Hiker’s Guide


Ossi Määttä, a prominent hiking blogger, will take you on a lighter excursion around Finnish nature.

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EAN: 9789518580952 SKU: WESSKSKO Categories: ,

Product Description

Ossi Määttä: Light hiker’s guide SKS

Hiking in Finland is welcome! Ossi Määttä, a prominent hiking blogger, will take you on a lighter excursion around Finnish nature. How do you pick the best hiking shoes and backpacks for longer hikes? How to care for the hike’s food supply and what to carry for an overnight stay in the Woods With the aid of Määttä’s recommendation lists, you can pack the lightest yet most proper equipment for different situations. Ossi Määttä is a Wilderness trainer and camping journalist. He writes for the popular Lightly Drilled Outdoor Blog.
